Naruto Anime Printed T-Shirt
Free Shipping
We offer free shipping across India.
1-2 Days Dispatch
We dispatch orders within 1-2 days.
2-5 Days Delivery
We usually take 2-5 working days depending on your location.
Metros 2-3 days
Rest of India 3-5 days
Items purchased from YoungRiders are eligible for return/exchange, if returned within 7 days of delivery.
Free Exchanges
We accept exchanges free of cost. This means you wont be charged extra to exchange the product(s). It's on us! We want your experience to be hassle-free.
Easy Returns
For Prepaid Orders - The full amount is refunded into your initial payment mode (bank account, credit card, etc.)
For Cash on Delivery Orders - The order amount will be refunded to your bank account. You can provide your bank/upi detail. COD charges are non-refundable.
Exchange For Something Else?
In case of an exchange, you are also allowed to choose a different product. If the value of the replacement product exceeds that of the previously purchased product, you can pay just the difference else if it's less, the same can be refunded to you as gift card.